At this point the Iranians had not yet taken American hostages, and nobody knew about Billy.
In case you don't know what a cut-in record is, it's when the DJ pretends to have an interview with a famous figure, whose answers are all given in the form of audio samples of lines from hit songs.
Bonus points: Name the songs that appear in BOTH of these cut-ins! There are at least three.
Road Hog And The Neon Cactus
"The Presidential Debate"
What a great band name! You wish it was a lost psychedelic masterpiece.
You'll notice this "song" was "written" by Don Imus. All these popular song samples? This thing is a copyright nightmare. Perhaps the only thing that could save them is the de minimis doctrine ("we only used a tiny bit!"). And you can't spell "Don Imus" without "De Minimis".
If you want to really go wild, play them both at the same time!
Super Stu / Allen Dennis & The Disco Turkeys
"The Great Debate"
Band name: they should've just dropped "Allen Dennis" and gone with SUPER STU & THE DISCO TURKEYS.